💖 ~ Have you ever wished you could just quit your job and travel the world or spend more time with love ones ?
💖 ~ Do you want to Quit your job and start a business you love, but don't know where to start?
💖 ~ Then this tool to identify your passion and turn it in to a business is the answer you've been looking for.
Hi, I'm Alison K Parsons aka the Law of Attraction Lover , founder of Fabulous Freedom Over Forty and The Freedom Empire Builders
I am a Advanced Life Coach and Advanced Law of Attraction Practitioner but most recently transitioned into combining the two and Teaching People how use the Law of Attraction and Personal Development techniques combined with Social Media Omnipresent Marketing to build Passion Based Online Businesses that enable Woman over 40 to Learn how they can create multifaceted income streams doing what they love and wake up happy everyday serving others in the process
I can help you Learn how to making a living doing what "You" love, to have more Time Freedom spent doing things like travelling and having quality time with loved ones
I believe hard work is a myth if you get into flow and alignment
Amongst my multifacets I Am a Best Selling Author as Part of the Book Collaboration "Smashing Through the Glass Ceiling featured in Femalepreneur Magazine and an International Speaker
As a Teenager I had a Dream to be a Self-Employed Architect and move to London even though I had never heard of the word "Entrepreneur" let alone have one as a role model
I also had another unusual aspiration (for the time)
I "didn't" want to get married and I "didn't" want to have children
However as I said it was different times and I gave up those dreams and wants for other people's expectations and belief systems to hopefully please them 😥
Then my life changed in my Forties when I learnt about the Law of Attraction and I finally became the Entrepreneur I dreamt about in my 50's from using The Law of Attraction after writing a statement on a goal card inspired by Bob Proctor who I had seen in the film version of "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne
Bob also changed my life when I heard him say successful people have multiple streams of income and that statement never left me (thankfully)
Initially my first business was a Brick n Mortar business enhanced by using social media and though I was blissfully happy ~ mostly not being a Corporate Manager any more I soon realised I was now landlocked 6 days a week and constantly trading time for money because I was making a physical unusual bespoke gift product and if I wanted to take time off I was constantly aware I was cutting off that income stream or I had the time pressure to complete the orders that were still coming in online.
Around the same time I was presented with a Network Marketing opportunity and saw it as another income opportunity however despite loving the community ~ I had finally found my Tribe of supportive people who also loved Personal Development, had a Morning Routine and talked openly about The Law of Attraction the time my Brick n Mortar took from me left very little time to build it in to the Location, Time and Financially Freeing Business I knew it had the potential to be plus ....
I could not "Resonate" to the, what I called "The Hit up Method" of speaking to friends, family and even strangers to encourage them to buy your product or service
However, I saw the greener grass and I wanted that Time, Location and Financial Freedom to go where I wanted and do what I wanted whilst still earning so I started investing in Courses about Online Marketing
Mixed in amongst all of this unexpectedly people started coming to me asking for help and advice about starting their own businesses "Doing What They Loved" but now I started to feel uncomfortable selling the dream of being your own boss in a Brick n Mortar style of Traditional trading time for money senario
Then my light bulb came ...
I was taking an online course called "The One Funnel Away Challenge" and I had my epiphany.
I could use sales funnels for a Product Based Network Marketing Company to sell to people people who "Actually" wanted to buy these products
And I set an intention to research and find the perfect opportunity to build my funnels around but the Law of Attraction beat me to it proving my favourite quote right yet again
"Once You Make a Decision The Universe Conspires to Make it Happen"
So I set you work but two things happened I didn't appreciate:
• I thought I would get my funnel built quickly and start selling my Fabulous Products but I kept hitting roadblocks outside of my funnel so progress was slow and it felt like walking through mud plus
• People still kept coming to me for advice and I was a bit of sitting duck in my Physical business and they were dropping in to my inbox and I was finding it hard to say "No" also delaying my funnel building
Then came the second epiphany:
I was focusing on the wrong thing hence all the interruptions and roadblocks
It was the Universe's way of saying "Hello, over here !!"
Once I had this awakening everything fell into place and then everything just flowed from me in what I like to call "Divine Downloads" because I was now in alignment with my true purpose
The epiphany .......
I was meant help these people and others and Teach them how they can use "Their" gifts and talents and turn them in to businesses they loved but knowing what I had experienced just focus on helping people build Location "Freedom" Online Businesses and serve Woman like me who were over 40 who may have given up on "Their" dreams and goals or stuck in J.O.B's they hated while creating an income for myself at the same time and stop giving my knowledge away at no charge ... I think that's fair 😀
And the product that I came up with first was "Fabulous Freedom Passion Finder" adapted from a Training tool I learnt and loved
Now I Am on a Mission to help as many Women as possible create just that in whatever way "Freedom" is defined for them, being
"Successfully Self-employed Doing What They Love & Loving What They Do"
Which coincidentally was what was written on that goal card mentioned above !!